The Big Picture

When I started on this journey with Weight Watchers on 3/2/17, I was determined to not make the same mistakes I made the other times. You see, I am a repeat offender. Each time I've done this before, I've let things get in my way and cause me to quit. These have included getting to the point where I thought I could go it alone and keep losing, letting the negativity of others drag me down to the point where I quit, setting unrealistic deadlines, trying to "improve" the plan by eating less than my allotted points, and getting so focused on details that I lose sight of what I've accomplished overall. It is my intention to expand on all of these in future posts, but for this one I want to focus on the last one. The old saying about not being able to see the forest for the trees is true. Oftentimes we get discouraged when we have a lower loss than we expected, or worse yet, a gain. Sometimes we obsess over the number on the scale to the point that we fail t...